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Sales systems
Individuals who are going to travel on a Lurraldebus service can purchase the ticket on the same bus when boarding it, and can pay for the trip in cash (maximum 20€ note) or with the Lurraldebus/Mugi card, except for on long-distance lines.
All Lurraldebus buses have validation machines where users can pay for the trip with their Lurraldebus/Mugi card, both when boarding and getting off the bus, for short-distance and metropolitan services.
Additionally, on medium-distance lines DG01, DG02, DG05, DG05A, DG05D and DG07 in the region of Debagoiena, tickets can be purchased at self-serve machines at the San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz bus stations, and the self-service machine at the Zarautz stop (depending on the trip's origin and destination, it can be purchased at one machine or the other).
On long-distance lines (DO01, DO02, DO03, DO04, DG12), the ticket must be purchased beforehand. The ticket guarantees that the seat is reserved. This can be purchased at the self-service machines and booths located in the Donostia/San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitoria-Gasteiz bus stations; at the self-service machine at the Zarautz stop and at the Bilbao airport (depending on the origin and destination of the trip), as well as online on the company Pesa's website (www.pesa.net).
Since, on certain lines (DO01, DO02, DO04, DG07), the Zarautz stop is an on-demand stop, the ticket must be purchased at least 30 minutes before the service leaves San Sebastian. If no tickets are sold with origin Zarautz, the bus departing from San Sebastian will not go to this town's stop.
The self-service ticket machine accepts payment with credit card, debit card and Lurraldebus/Mugi cards.
If purchased on the webpage, the user can print the ticket at home, at the QR code readers next to the company Pesa's booths at the bus stations, or at the self-service machines.
By just bringing the mobile phone with the QR code to the reader, located on the top part of the equipment, the user will receive the printed ticket on the front part of the device.